Guarding God’s Truth

1John 3:19-24

(1) God is Greater Than Our Feelings.  

Romans 8:16

(2) Learn To Discern God’s Truth 

1 John 4:1-6

(3) Hold To The Truth About Christ 

2 John  1:7-11

Focus: Perceive the dangers of deception and walk in truth.


Golden text: 1 John 4:1


Before your dreams and visions, the prophecy anyone has spoke over you or any other thing 

It must be the Word!  


So many fall into the altar and shout around the church but yet they fall away 😪. Why?


Genesis 1:2-3


Because there was nothing for the Spirit to breathe upon.


We want a runaway service and sometimes it’s good but as a principle there must be the foundation of the Word.


The Spirit of God is going to breathe on the Word.


John 1:1-4


In the beginning was the word and all things were made by him and through him.  


We must understand the dynamic between the spirit and the word.


So we have (a) The Word

(B) The Wisdom of the Word.

© The whisper ( still small voice)


The further we get away from the truth .

The more we are offended by it. 


God is Greater Than our Feelings.

  1. Belonging to the Truth

1John 3:19-22


V18 We have assurance that we are in Christ by our actions.

They are the fruit and not the root.


V19 In a world full of cancel culture the devil wants nothing more than to cancel your prayers to destroy your witness and your family.

He is after your faith! 

He wants to put you in his prison using


The Stronghold of Accusation.

It is a thought process to have you walking in condemnation.


A lie is not a deception until you believe it!


I know the Word says there is forgiveness and restoration but my case is different. I’ve went too far. I’ve fallen too many times. 


“I’m a special case “( if Satan had britches they would be on fire.)


God is greater than our Heart! Lifts the guilt and gives us peace.


Two reasons our prayers are answered


(1)Because we keep his commandments.

We are saved by grace through faith but there is favor in obedience.


(2) Because we do those things that please him. 


Not my will Lord but yours. Surrender 

Bear the Cross.


Matthew 7:7-8


  1. Living In Fellowship With Jesus 1 John 3:23-24

We are to Believe and Love .

 Believe in Jesus and to Love everyone.  


John 13:34-35

We are to put others first

We are to stand ready to forgive.


Romans 12:10


Love is the cardinal virtue of the Christian life.

We are known by our love.

Even unbelievers know we’re phony when we are bitter and fight with one another.


1 John 3:16-17


All this is only possible by the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit.


(2) Learn to Discern God’s Truth  


(a) Discerning False Prophets 


1 John 4:1-3


Deuteronomy 18:21-22


Search the scriptures 


Acts 17:10-11


How can we identify a false prophet or cult?


Does the person/ group

Believe all that the scripture teaches about who Jesus is and what he did ( is doing)?

In other words we look at the ;





His virgin birth, his deity,

bodily resurrection, atonement,


We can simply ask the question;

 who is Jesus?

(B) Belonging To God 


1 John 4:4-6


We overcome false teachers by

  1. The grace of God


  1. By remaining steadfast in the faith.

  Knowledge is power 


(3)By them Spirit that lives within us we are more than  conquerors.

The anointing. 


1John 4:5 That twisted compromised doctrine will have a worldly following.

A compromised church becomes more and more worldly.


1 John 4:5 Amp


“They [who teach twisted doctrine] are of the world and belong to it; therefore they speak from the [viewpoint of the] world [with its immoral freedom and baseless theories—demanding compliance with their opinions and ridiculing the values of the upright], and the [gullible one of the] world listens closely and pays attention to them.”




1 Timothy 4:1-2 (KJV) 1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;  


I Cor 2:14


Who are someone’s followers?


Those who operate by the spirit of the world will be embraced by the world.


Those who minister by the spirit of God will have the approval of those who know Christ.


3 Hold ToThe Truth About Christ 

 ( a)Beware of Deceivers 


2 John 7-9

John repeats his warning of messengers who come denying the truth about Jesus.


They are Impostors  


Jesus is the son of God from all eternity.


He is Christ come in the flesh, both man and God.

We must remain faithful and we will receive the full benefits of the rewards that are due to them. 


Galatians 1:8


Biblical faith is founded on the incarnation atonement and finished work of Christ.


(B) Reject False Teachers


2John 10-11

Do not give them a platform.

Do not give them fellowship.


They are a stumbling block to weaker Christians.

We are to show no signs that we approve of their evil deeds to do so makes us partners with them.  


One wolf in sheep’s clothing can destroy the whole flock.